A lifestyle, travel, beauty & fashion blog




You may have read about my early experience of remote working posted back in September
2020. If you haven't, I invite you to read it here. I am enjoying all the advantages that come
with working from home and trying to make the most of the disadvantages. It is in fact true
that practice makes better. With practice, I have been able to maintain a well-suited and
structured work regime while still staying within the work-specific hours. My absolute fav
is the flexibility in scheduling my own hours on days that are not work-heavy. I can make 
a quick stop for a medical checkup or end up at the grocery store to pick up ingredients 
for a homemade lunch I have been craving. I have the option of putting in extra time 
after hours to make up for the missed time. Overall, in my opinion, the benefits outweigh 
the negatives of remote working. I am happy to know that since our firm had adopted and
accomodated remote working pre-COVID days, I will have this option for the days I need it. 

I hope that whether you're having to go to work or working from home, you're staying safe
and healthy. And, remember to keep a balance between your personal and professional life to 
maintain your mental well-being and maintain healthy relationships. A reminder for me too!


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