A lifestyle, travel, beauty & fashion blog




Monday | January 21, 2018

Firstly, a very happy and a prosperous year to you. I hope you have been 
successful in keeping your new year's resolutions intact and if you haven't, 
there's always a next year. But, no really, you probably don't need me to 
tell you, but each new day is an new opportunity for you to make your 
goals happen or at least to to train your mind to move a bit closer 
towards making your goals happen. 

Secondly, I owe it to you all to confess why I haven't been blogging as
 frequently as I did. You may or may not be aware, I commenced my legal 

articles in January 2018  and that is primarily where my focus has been 
devoted towards since then. For those of you that  aren't aware, completing 
articles is one of the requirements of becoming a lawyer. Majority of my 
time (and when I say majority I mean 9-10 working hours on a daily basis) has 
been dedicated to everything articling. Although my working hours aren't
specifically the reason that leaves me with minimal blogging time, it is the 
additional 3 hours of commuting that leaves me with just sufficient time to get 
home, spend some time with Manjot, get ready for bed and garner enough 
energy to get ready for the next day to absorb as much legal knowledge as 
possible. Nonetheless, I am enjoying my time learning about the practice 
of law although it all can get a bit overwhelming at times. 

An exciting part of all this is that I am almost done my articles and will soon
be preparing for the big bar exam. Manjot and I are also planning a mini
getaway to celebrate the emancipation of my articles and I absolutely can't 
wait to blog about it and share my experience with you. Hope to see you very soon!

Thank you for your time and for constantly visiting my 
blog for updates.

stay searching for knowledge | stay happy


Maninder Sandhu Grewal  

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